
Training Sessions & Descriptions

Below is a brief list of professional development sessions and trainings I have designed for teachers and adult learners. 

ActivLearning with Active Inspire – Core Essentials Part 1.1
Introductory level training for the Core Essentials of utilizing the ActivInspire software in the Classroom. This training is hands on strategies for using the tools of the Inspire Software in an interactive way in the classroom. You will be introduced to the basic tools in inspire and use them right away. This is the first level in ActivLearning Training Series.

Creating Digital Content – Part 1
Just in time to create that once in a lifetime presentation for instructional purposes, to showcase a special project or activity, Young Learner's Showcase or an end of the year program/celebration. Learn how to use Digital Tools like Photopeach, Xtranormal, Photostory, Voicethread and Smilebox to created amazing and interactive presentations for your classroom and parents. This session will be hands on. Please have digital photos saved on your computer to use. Tools we will cover will include:
Speechable and photobabble to turn your digital photos into digital content

Creating Digital Content Part 2 - Participants will apply the skills they learned in the introduction level to create and enhance the digital projects and presentations they have started. Additional tips and strategies will be shared for using the tools as well as ideas and strategies for use with students.

Safari Montage 4.0
This session will provide an overview on Safari Montage and specific new information on upgraded content on the 4.0 version of Safari. We will cover creating playlists and sharing them with colleagues, the content packages available and how to add our own content and videos through creation station.

Create your own Wiki - Introductory Level Training
Wikispaces introduction. Learn how to create a wiki, add content and utilized it as an interactive instructional tool in the classroom. Skills addressed will include:
  • Create an account
  • Basic design tips
  • Uploading resources
  • Embed Content
Hands on session, bring a laptop!

Interactive Resources for the Classroom
Free Interactive web based content. Introduction to a variety of interactive and free web 2.0 tools that you can use in the classroom and with your students. Please bring your laptop this session will be hands on.

Creating Assessments in ActivInspire – Intro 
Formative Assessment Strategies utilizing Voting eggs, Activexpressions and the ActivEngage voting devices on the student netbooks. Learn how to initiate a voting session, create questions using adhoc, templates and the question wizard.

Digital Storytelling ResourcesElementary
Bring writing to life. Use free online resources to create digital stories with your students. Tools include - voicethread, photostory, speechables, bitstrips, fotobabble, smilebox and more

Beyond the VCR - Effective Strategies for Using United Streaming
Participants will learn about managing digital content available in United Streaming - beyond just videos. Interactive and skill building resources will be shared. Assignment, quiz and writing prompt builders will also be shared.

Best of the Best - 30 Apps(or so) in 3 Hours
This will be a fast paced session. I will present 5 apps each 1/2 hour and build in time to explore. This will be a highly interactive session giving you a taste of some of the best of the best tools we know about.

Wigitize your Wiki - Intermediate Wiki Design
Want to take your wiki to a new level. Come to Wigitize your wiki!
Learn how to….
  • Embed widgets to design a cool wiki.
    Embedding Google Forms into a wiki to collect data
  • Use Image Chef to create interesting banners
  • Explore Glogster

Tech tools for Teachers – Tools to make your life easier
This class will be an introduction to a variety of online tools to make every teacher’s life more efficient and productive through the use of Digital Tools. We will cover formative assessment tools, back channeling tools, collaboration and productivity tools that you can implement immediately into your instruction. Please bring your laptop as this session is hands on.

Intro to Google Docs
So you have heard about google docs but don’t know how to use them? Then this is the class for you. We will work through the basics of accessing your Derry Google docs accounts, how to create and share docs and how to create google surveys to collect information from your students.

Intro to Apple Devices
This course is for beginners new to using apple devices. I will give you an overview on the basics of operating an apple device. Bring your own apple device.

Online Communication tools to use with Parents
Are you tired of answering the same questions over and over again? Online tools can make communication easy and effective for you and your parents. Tools like blogs, wikis and twitter are easy ways to communication information to a large group of people.

Collaboration Tools 4 the Classroom – Blogs and Google Docs
This session will cover tools and strategies to integrate collaboration tools into your classroom. We will cover google forms and Blogging. Blogging is a powerful tool to use as a communication tool with parents. Blogs can also be used to get your students excited about writing and publishing for an authentic audience. In addition google forms are a great tool for collecting data and information from your students and/or parents.

Collaboration Tools Part 2 – Wikis in the Classroom 

Getting to know Edmodo 
Edmodo is a secure social learning platform for teachers and students. Edmodo makes collaborating and sharing information easy between the teacher, students and even parents. This course management tool is engaging for students and easy to use by teachers. Come check it out!

Managing your Apple Devices (iphones, ipods and ipads Oh My!) – Did you get a new device and are wondering what you can do with it? Then this is the session for you. Learn about specialized apps for using your device as an instructional tool in the classroom as well as using it as a powerful management tool for your professional life. 

Creating Content on the iPad
Using apps and digital tools to get your students creating content on the ipad is engaging, easy and fun! Learn how to use screen recorders, apps and other online tools to get students to create their own content to demonstrate understanding, collaborate with peers or publish ideas for a wider audience. Bring your ipad with you for this session!  
Evernote, Google Drive and other Cloud Storage solutions as Productivity tools
Want to be more productive on your mobile device? Learn how evernote, google drive and other cloud storage solutions integrate beautifully with your laptop, ipad and other mobile devices to increase efficiency and productivity. We will show you how to access and set up these cloud accounts on all your devices. In additon, we will cover how evernote can be used a digital fluency portfolio for elementary teachers.

Using Twitter as a Powerful Professional Collaboration Tool
Twitter is an amazing social networking tool that gives you the opportunity to connect with other educators and experts in your chosen field. Learn how to create an account, navigate and interact in the Twitter world, and use twitter chats for professional development. This session will include 2 hours of face-to-face training and a 1-hour homework assignment to participate in a twitter chat and report back what you’ve learned.

Technology Smackdown – Collaborative PD
Do you want to be an active participant in your PD? A smackdown is a type of training in which everyone in the group shares and participates. In this format we are all teachers and we are all learners. This session will include 2 hours of face-to-face training and 1-hour of homework to apply what you have learned and find resources to use in your instruction and share with the group.

Each participant is expected to come to the face-to-face sessions ready to share 2-3 technology tools, apps or resources and how they benefit their classroom instruction. Due to the collaborative nature of this session we will need at least 6-10 participants to run it.

Curriculum & Content Creation with HEAT
This session will give teachers hands-on time with their curriculum to develop instructional content that aligns with the HEAT Framework. Teachers will have the support of a Technology Coach to answer questions and provide training assistance. We will examine existing curriculum maps, units of study and learning goals and look for meaningful ways to integrate technology with HEAT and 21st Century Skills. Participants should come with a curriculum goal or objective and some initial ideas for instructional strategies or technology integration. This session works best for small teams in a grade level or dept. The two sessions will be spread-out so you can apply what you develop into your instruction and come back and revisit it.

Elementary TIME Training 
This session is required for new elementary TIME teachers for the 2013-14 school year. You will learn all the basics of using your Promethean board and the AcrtivInspire Software. This session is hands on. Please bring your computer and 1 ipad.

ActiveInspire Beyond the Basics
This session will go beyond the basics with the ActivInspire software, flipchart design and creation. We will work on advanced skills and applying those interactive resources into your existing curriculum and content creation. Please bring curriculum resources that you would like to develop. This session is hands on. Please bring your computer.

Intro to the Apple TV
This session will provide a brief overview on how to use the apple TV in the classroom. We will explore set up and streaming to the apple TV and apps that students can use to display their work. Please bring an ipad.

Teaching Innovations Academy Days for Teachers - Summer Training 

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