Monday, May 23, 2011

Skratch Track

Just came across this over Twitter, thanks to , and thought I would pass it along. Skratch Track is a great virtual bookshelf for use with kids. It is similar to Shelfari but more primary for student use. I plan to check it out more for sure.

Kelly Tenkely has a great blog post on how to use Skratch on her blog iLearnTechnology. You can read more about it here.

Let me know if you want to use this resource with kids. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Connect with Other Classrooms

I was recently in Mr. Titzel's middle school classroom while he was setting up a Skype session with another class in Tennessee close to the areas that were hit by the recent tornadoes.  The students were excited to be engaging with another class and were going to be sharing their perspectives on their communities during this initial getting to know each other skype session. The teacher connected with the other class through a social studies group in Edmodo, a secure social learning network for teachers and students.

Mr. Titzel also indicated that he wanted to connect with more teachers and plan more opportunities for skyping next year. I recently came across this blog post that is a resource list of contacts of  classrooms who wish to skype - Check it out at EduBlogger. Here is the whole list as a webpage. Let me know if you are interesting in connecting with another classroom, I can help with getting a webcam and accounts set up if necessary.

Please share any other resources you have found to connect with other classrooms or experts in your field of study. Enjoy!

New Blog

Hi and welcome to our new TIME blog. I would like to use this more as a collaboration tool to share out ideas and resources with our TIME teachers. I hope you enjoy it and please leave comments so we can learn from each other. Make sure to add this link to your favorites.